Saturday, February 19, 2011

To blog or not to blog...

So... I have never been into this whole blog thing ... but I recently discovered I had one from a few years back. So I have updated it a bit and am going to start trying out this blogging thing. I am now 34 weeks pregnant with a sweet baby girl, and I have made the decision to place her for adoption with an AMAZING couple. Their names are Josh and Nicola and I absolutly adore them! I can't wait for the oppurtunity to bestow motherhood on this amazing woman. I am feeling very good with my decision, and I know this is the Lord's path for me and my little girl. I am so greatful for my family for being as supportive as they are in my decision to have an open adoption. Life is beautiful right now.

1 comment:

Nicola said...

Fun! Glad to see you have a blog! I looked at your slideshow of pictures, and I think I really like your hair long. And you have beautiful eyes. Thanks for sharing!