Thursday, February 24, 2011

My new Job!! :)

So I completed my training today for my new position as a Certified Home Caregiver which means; I provide respit, habilitation, and attendant care through the state for children and adults with Autism, Cognitive Delay, Cerebral Palsy, or Epilepsy. I am SO excited to start meeting clients and get to work with these amazing people. They truly are angels sent to Earth to bless the lives of all those that they meet! I also hope that with my new training I can help our family's own little angel too (Logan). I feel honored for this opportunity. Thanks to everyone for all your support.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

So last night I went to Erin Ballard's bridal shower and it was so much fun to see so many people I grew up with. Of course everyone noticed I was pregnant and so I got to share my story with a few people and it was a nice experience to hear their responses. I think some people looked at me though and had that instant moment of passing judgment. It made it kind of uncomfortable and honestly for the first time in my whole pregnancy it made me feel like I was like a "low life" ... I can't really think of the right word... It was frustrating. I have felt judged before but not by people that I have known almost my whole life you know... but of course Erin comes up kisses my stomach and goes "Oh my sweet little babee!" :) She has always had this ability to make me feel much better about myself... Then Sister Plastow suggested that we do a shower for me that would be like a "starting a new chapter shower" I thought that would be a fun idea... So yea except I can't really plan my own that's kind of tacky... lol so we will see what happens. Anyway, it was a good time and so good to see everyone. Can't wait for her wedding reception!
Till next time...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

To blog or not to blog...

So... I have never been into this whole blog thing ... but I recently discovered I had one from a few years back. So I have updated it a bit and am going to start trying out this blogging thing. I am now 34 weeks pregnant with a sweet baby girl, and I have made the decision to place her for adoption with an AMAZING couple. Their names are Josh and Nicola and I absolutly adore them! I can't wait for the oppurtunity to bestow motherhood on this amazing woman. I am feeling very good with my decision, and I know this is the Lord's path for me and my little girl. I am so greatful for my family for being as supportive as they are in my decision to have an open adoption. Life is beautiful right now.